9 steps towards the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union

Shadow Report no.2
On the Action Plan for the implementation of the steps proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on Moldova's EU membership application


On 23 June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the European Union (EU) candidate country status. The EU decision was based on the favourable opinion of the European Commission, after the evaluation of the completed questionnaire, in the context of the accession application submitted by the Republic of Moldova in March 2022. The first report of the European Commission on the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in the EU enlargement policy will be published in autumn 2023.

The answers to the EU questionnaire were also supplemented with the input of Moldovan experts from the diaspora and civil society. IPRE, Expert-Group, and CRJM, in collaboration with the Soros Moldova Foundation, within the #ThinkTanks4EUMembership initiative, contributed to the preparation of the Republic of Moldova's answers to the EU Questionnaire.

In April 2022, the National Commission for European Integration (NCEI) was established. Chaired by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the Commission is an inclusive platform that brings together members of the Government, parliamentarians, representatives of civil society and local authorities, which ensures the strategic coordination of the European integration process. On 4 August 2022, NCEI approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on the Republic of Moldova's EU membership application (hereinafter the Action Plan).

In this context, IPRE, Expert-Group and CRJM, as part of the #ThinkTanks4EUMembership initiative, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation have started a process of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the 9 recommendations of the European Commission.

The results of the monitoring exercise are reflected in the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Monitoring Table available online herehttps://euromonitor.md/en. 

On 13 April 2023, the first #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Shadow Report and Monitoring Table was published, reflecting the results of the initial assessments for the period 1 July 2022 - 31 March 2023. 

The second Progress Report includes revised and updated information on the progress, shortcomings and priorities for the period 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023, given that the deadline for meeting the 9 commitments is June 2023. This report also takes into account interim findings and additional priorities in the form of so-called "deltas", which will be taken into account by the European Commission when preparing the first Report under the EU Enlargement Package, to be published in autumn this year.


The #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Report is the result of an independent exercise aimed at monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Action Plan for carrying out the 9 recommendations identified in the European Commission opinion from June 2022, carried out by the IPRE, Expert-Group, and CRJM experts, based on a methodology focused on a quantitative and qualitative evaluation.

Quantitative evaluation involved the analysis of the developments in the implementation of the 60 actions from the Action Plan approved by the NCEI corresponding to the 9 key recommendations, and respectively the completion of the Monitoring Table with the main developments and the assessment of the degree of implementation as follows:


Assessment of the degree of implementationPointsSignificance
Implemented without shortcomings5The action was implemented in compliance with the indicators and in accordance with the legal provisions regarding the legislative procedure and transparency in the decision-making process. The content of the adopted normative act or the actions taken is consistent with the spirit or purpose of the action.
Implemented with certain shortcomings4The action was implemented with certain insignificant shortcomings related to deviations from compliance with the legal provisions regarding the legislative procedure and transparency in the decision-making process.
Initiated and in process of implementation3The action was initiated but not implemented towards the end of the evaluation exercise.
Implemented with substantial deficiencies2The action was implemented with significant deficiencies related to cases where the content of the act adopted or the actions taken are not in accordance with the spirit or purpose of the action or are contrary to the international commitments; they do not comply with the legal provisions regarding the legislative procedure and were not subject to transparency rules in the decision-making process.
Not implemented1The action was not implemented.
Uninitiated0No implementation measures have been initiated.


„After completing the assessment of the degree of implementation of each of the 60 actions and so-called „deltas” corresponding to the 9 commitments in the Monitoring Table, the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck report will reflect the overall assessment for each evaluated commitment, which will represent the average assessment of the degree of implementation of the corresponding actions for each commitment.

After completing the quantitative assessment based on the information reflected in the Monitoring Table, the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Report reflects the qualitative evaluation summarizing the main findings regarding (a) progress, (b) constraints, and (c) recommended priorities for the next period in order to implement the 9 commitments necessary for opening the accession negotiations with the EU.

The draft Monitoring Table and the Report were peer-reviewed by the team of authors, as well as externally reviewed in dedicated consultation meetings with relevant national authorities and civil society representatives for the assessment of the 9 commitments. The final version of the Report was finalized taking into account the conclusions of the consultation meetings.”


This publication is developed within the "Moldova-EU Candidate Check: 9 steps towards the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union" Project implemented by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Expert-Group, and the Centre for Legal Resources, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). The publication represents an independent evaluation by the authors on the degree of implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the 9 key political and economic criteria identified by the European Commission in its June 2022 opinion, approved by the National Commission for European Integration (NCEI), which also includes representatives of IPRE and Expert-Grup, civil society organizations that are members of the National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership. The opinions presented in the report belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the position of the National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership, NCEI, or the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)

is a German social democratic political foundation whose aim is to promote democracy, peace, understanding, and international cooperation. FES fulfils its mandate in the spirit of social democracy and promotes public debates to identify social democratic solutions to current and future societal problems. In the Republic of Moldova, FES aims to promote democracy, peace and social justice through political dialogue, education, and research.


111 București Str. Chisinau, MD-2001 Republic of Moldova


+ 373 22 530 532




is an independent analytical centre (English: think- tank), specialized in economic and public policy research.

The Expert-Group's mission is to promote the public interest and to develop effective and innovative solutions for the development of the Republic of Moldova.

The organization was established in 1998 and is a reflection of the ideals shared by a group of young intellectuals from the Republic of Moldova, who created it with the aim of contributing to the development of the country. The research activity of Expert-Group started in 2006.

We position ourselves as a politically and ideologically neutral think tank, and do not represent economic, corporate, or political interests.


3 Vlaicu Parcalab St., Chișinau, MD-2009, Republic of Moldova


+373 22 999 312



Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE)

is an independent, apolitical and non-profit analytical centre (English: think-tank) in the Republic of Moldova.

IPRE's mission is to contribute to the acceleration of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova by promoting systemic reforms, enhancing participatory democracy, and strengthening the role of citizens in decision-making processes at the national and local level.
IPRE is one of the main research and analysis centres in the Republic of Moldova specializing in issues of European integration, sustainable development, good governance, and the rule of law, foreign policy, and security policies.


90 București St., of. 20 Chisinau, MD-2001 Republic of Moldova


+373 22 788 989



Legal Resources Centre of Moldova

is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent, politically unaffiliated organization that contributes to the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova through research, monitoring, and advocacy activities.

CRJM's mission is to promote independent, efficient and accountable justice, effective anti-corruption mechanisms, respect for human rights, and an environment conducive to civil society and democracy.
CRJM acts by analysing and promoting public policies, monitoring justice, reacting to dangerous decisions with systemic impact, informing and sensitizing society and development partners, strategic litigation, training and other empowerment activities.


33 A. Şciusev St. Chisinau, MD-2001, Republic of Moldova


+373 22 843 601



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